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Ivy HighSchool

I am attending my senior year at Ivy highschool. This is my second year enrolled into this school and im enjoying it so far, Everyone here is curtious and the teachers are especially nice. My favorite thing about this school is how helpful and one on one the teachers are. I know alot of ex students, including some family members, who went to ivy and have said that they couldnt have made it if it wasnt for the teachers and staff memebers who helped and supported them. everyone who has said this has also told me that they loved ivy and actually miss attending. Also, the conviniences are wide when attending ivy. For example, students are dismissed at so maintainig a job on weekdays is easy. For those who do not work, ASSETS is an afterschool program students can come to if they need make up, lessons, one on one help, or simply to get work out of the way.

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