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I think it was in 7th grade i came across very disturbing pictures of.. things, a gruesome sight. Ever since then, i had a fascination with death and disturbing  things of morbid nature. I would save any picture i came across of mutilations, suicides, animal attacks, accidents, cartoons of gore, i dont know why i was so attracted to the nature. I know it isnt normal, but thats just how i am. Death is such a weird concept dont you think? Why do our bodies shut down and go limp like a doll? Who was the first person to die? What did they see and feel? Will they ever be back? Where did they go and do you think theyre still trying to come back to this world? Alot of people fear death, many dont want to die but they have no idea what it's like so why are we so afraid to leave? Are you afraid of where youll go when you die, if so why? Are you a bad person? Are you afraid of hell? Do you think somone out there has come back? Death is a strange reality.

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