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My family has some of the most caring and loving people you will ever meet and i am greatful for everyone that is a part of it. My grandmother has been the strongest person to always be there for pretty much everyone of my family members. When the parents are working, she helps them out with watching all the kids and cooking when everyone comes home from work. 

 I've mentioned my cousin before, he is like a brother to me. Actually, i practically live with him, his house is like my home away from home. Me and my cousin Gordo have been hanging out with eachother since we were about 7 and 10, he has always been my older brother through my eyes because of how much he helps me out with things i struggle on and makes sure im gana be alright when i dont feel like myself. I went through a dark time in my childhood all the way through middle school and he was right there trying his best to help me through it and eventually i did pull out of it completely. I know i wouldn't have been able to if he wasn't for his help. It's like we've strengthened our bond through our life problems and being able to relate so strongly. It is pretty great being able to put my trust on him and know he'll always be there for me.  

Me and my cousin Gordo on a hike

My grandpa, holding up a big bass he had just caught

Me and my little brother on Thanks Giving

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