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Tattoos are another way people can express themselves in a much more public and apearent way. When you see someone with a piece on their neck or arms, you might think "they know thats gana be there forever right?" Yes. They know tattoos dont wash off. It was kind of their intention. Or you might ask them what they mean, almost every tattoo has a meaning and is almost like telling a story of someone's life. As simple as a heart with someones name for example, it could be that person's partner who they feel will be with them for eternity or maybe it was someone very close to them that have passed and this was that persons way of honoring them for being apart of their lives. Another example would be a wolf in any shape or size could symbolize independence and that person takes orders from no one but themselves. There are so many stories to be told in tattoos by individuals, tattoos are as unique as the person who wheres them with pride.

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