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Friends, Amigos, Chaps, it really doesnt matter what you like to call them, what matters the most is what those people mean to you. Friends can be made for many reasons, good reasons or little reasons, again: what matters the most is what they mean to you. I have made friends before for the simple reasons as they liked the same band as me, because they hated the same things as me, because they had a really neat shirt and the biggest reason for making the friends i have is that they are just as weird as i am and can relate to my humor or life situations. One of the closest friends i have to this day, i met in kindergarden. We have been good friends for 14 years straight now and is a perfect example of how you can make good friends for any reason. 14 years ago in kindergarden, I had no friends for about the first week of school but one day my aunt, who worked in the office, told me there was a new student who also was having trouble making friends so one day she bluntly put it "this is pedro, pedro, this is josh. go play." We played.. and now in our senior years of highschool, we are still close. Friends like these are super hard to come by and especially ones where you know youd always be there for through any situation. It is clear, i know he has my back and i would take a bullet for this kid.

Izzy and Steven on a morning hike

Pedro, friend since kindergarten

Little brother and my friend, Jake

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