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Line—a point moving through space that creates direction or a pathway in an image.

Shape—created when a line meets itself in an image. A shape can also be implied by the alignment of other shapes in a composition.

Form—created when shapes are seen as 3-dimensional in an image. This creates depth and distance in a composition.

Texture—surfaces shown in an image that suggest to our perception and memories of touch, taste, and/or smell—this makes a photograph seem more “real” and give a life-like impression/feeling.

Color—the amount of light in an image in terms of hue (type of color) and saturation (amount of the hue)…black and white has color in terms of shades of gray.

Space—the area of an image taken up by elements (positive space) or the open area around or between elements (negative space) .

In this image, the boards in the floor create lines that go through the center

The shapes in this image is in the circular lenses and turning knob

This pine cone and pine cone piece was put together to form this photo

The wire like strings breaking off the rope gives the idea that it has a rough, plastic like feeling to it 

In this image there is different shades of reds, blues, yellows and browns

the open empty sky brings a balance to the attention in the fields, mountains, and sky

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